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The only one in the world

The Korea Collagen

Collagen distributed throughout the body, including not only the skin but also hair, blood, organs, muscles, and nails, has been prepared by The Korea Collagen to replenish the collagen that decreases with age.
The world's only Korean collagen produced by Korea's first gelatin company with 60 years of tradition.
You can protect your beauty and inner beauty at once with 100% domestically produced pig skin collagen.

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The Korea Collagen

Pig skin collagen

Both pig skin collagen and fish collagen are collagen peptides extracted and purified from 100% collagen ingredients. Although the raw materials are different, there is no significant difference in the ingredients and effects of the products.
Therefore, when choosing collagen, it is wisest to choose a product that suits the country of origin, Dalton, and your preference.

Unlike other raw materials, The Korea Collagen's pig skin collagen is a pure collagen peptide extracted from the skin of our pigs that has not been frozen.
No fat or other ingredients have been added, and it has already been purified through hydrolysis and enzymatic decomposition, so it is similar to pork.
Even people who do not fit can consume it. It is meaningless to discuss which is better among pig skin, fish, and marine collagen. The difference is the habitat environment, manufacturing facilities, manufacturing process, and molecular size of the raw materials.

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